New investors are queuing up to put money into equities in the wake of the strong bull run in the past 18 months. Stock exchanges have witnessed more than 34.5 lakh fresh investor additions in the past month and 95.95 lakh in the previous three months, according to BSE data. Though BSE only discloses its own investor base, the data could be treated as a proxy for the industry as investors mostly register for trading on all the exchanges at the time of account openings.
Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh have seen the highest surge in new investor additions in absolute numbers in this period. While Maharashtra added 17.83 lakh new investors, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan have added 9.94 lakh, 7.63 lakhs and 7.11 lakh new investors, respectively, during this period.
On a percentage basis, Assam, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Odisha have added more investors in the last three months than Maharashtra, Gujarat, or Delhi.
Assam has added four lakh new investors in the past three months, more than that of Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu.
The number of stock investors registered with the BSE has risen from 7 crore on June 30, 2021, to 8.36 crore as on October 30, 2021. More than 58 lakhs new demat accounts were created in the September quarter, according to data from CDSL and NSDL.